Friday, November 2, 2012

Day 2 of work

Today I had a couple of hours to kill so I spent them in the Garage working on my Trucks.   First I put the bumper back on my Silverado that the 3100 had ripped off.  Next it was time to do some work.  I cleaned out the interior of the truck. I then figured out that I don't need the entire floor for the truck but a few panels to make it brand new. This is great cause the entire floor pan assembly is going for around $600.

As you can see I need to replace a piece of sheet metal from under the seat pan, which I figured a few buck and I can get some sheet metal and replace this piece.  I will obviously cut and repair any rust that is eating away at the still strong metal, but this will still be a cheaper option.  I figured, after putting together a parts list, I can make the floor of this truck brand new for about $300.00 buck. Now to save some pennies.

Dash is i great shape a little elbow grease and paint and this will be a cheap project also.  I spent the rest of the hour that I had putting together a parts list for the body.  Looks like from the cab forward, minus the Grill and bumpers it will cost me around $700.00 for body panels that will replace rusted out ones.  

More to come soon.....

Monday, October 29, 2012

1st day of Project

Well we have now had the truck home for 2 days and I now have sometime to work on the truck since the kid is at school and the wife is busy with homework.  Since we are on a budget and the parts list for the truck continues to grow, I figured we can get some of the body down to bare metal and to primer so that we can begin to see how much rust is in need of repair and lets face it elbow grease and sand paper is cheap.  So after day 1 I managed to get the 3100 front fenders and hood to bare metal and a coat of primer to prevent rust.  More to come......

D=Day 10/27/12

So the day has arrived.
On Saturday we pack the truck and set off on the 3 hr drive to pick up our truck. Did I mention we forgot the GPS at home and were now in the backwoods of Southern Georgia. Now we were about 30 minutes off course and getting close to not making it to the bank. We cut it close to the Bank to get the cash, who would of thought for an entire hour we could not find a Bank Of America.  We finally find one and meet Clifford, the former owner of my now 1950 Chevy 3100.  He was having a hard time parting but I have set up this blog to keep Clifford informed of the process of the Truck so he can see that we are taking care of the truck very well.

I came prepared with a winch on the back of the hauler and now we went off to U HAUL to rent a car transport.  Here we met Jimmy which was a sketchy character that went on and on about the one time that their location was sued cause of a car transport that came off the hitch or something.  I want to thank Jimmy for adding more stress to the long trip.
Jimmy is on Left....

So we have no problems getting the truck on the trailer and head home bound.  One Problem with Home, other than the 10 cars parked outside and around my driveway, I came to realize that I had no help to get the truck down from the trailer since my driveway has a wicked incline.  Finally got the truck down with the use of the winch and brute force and possible risk of death at some points.  I then pushed the 3100 into the garage with my Silverado and that was another adventure as the trucks decided they would become one. Finally in the garage now I need a Break. Who's Idea was this......

Could not pull them apart!!!! Yikes!!! but its in the GARAGE....
Temporarily lost the Bumper to the Silverado, Battle Silverado vs. 3100....3100 wins!!!!

So the Journey begins

Now we have contacted the Seller and he has agreed for us to meet but we would need to wait about a week cause of a scheduling conflict. So in anticipation of what I like to think is my dream car, I begin prepping the space for the truck.  I took the weekend before we take the 3 hour long drive to seal the floors of our garage for easy clean up of any messes that might take place, lets be real it is a 62 year old truck.

The Project Begins

A few weeks ago while watching one of the popular car restoration shows on TV I started to look through craigslist and came across what I thought was a phenomenal deal. 
I saw a 1950 Chevy 3100 for sale at the price of $1750.  In excitement for what could one day be, showed my wife and told her what a great deal this was for whoever would be the lucky buyer, as even if it was far gone it would still be a great deal.  

A few days pass and my wife started asking me questions about the truck. My wife had contacted the seller and offered him $1500 for the 50's rust bucket.  I told myself this guys was going to get many offers and wasn't getting my hopes up for this awesome opportunity to again, not only build a car, but build the car I always wanted.  Wouldn't you know it the seller said he got several offers higher than ours but that he thought we should  be the ones that have the truck cause he felt that we would do right by this little gem.  

I do have a pretty amazing wife to allow me to put a while lot of my free time into the garage.